I have this strange aptitude of talking with people straight on their face, sometimes like giving a hundred million volt lightning slap at a go.Zzzzzzatttak!!!I fail to understand the subtle nature of certain situations.I happened to fight with this only poor best friend of mine today and cry like a wail bird...as always.I wonder sometimes why I am not on the higher side of my temper with all the people I know, why is it that I can have a WWE heart fight everyday with just one, how can I accept others the way they are or they treat me.Strange!
A few have never had an experience of what I am talking about, the good Lord is with them.A few live with it like Mom and Dad, fortunately they know the right things which calms me down at the right time.And for this someone I mentioned about, who knows that it is just another super human quality that I show, it is almost a routine.Both hands up in the air, I bow down and surrender!

In anger sometimes the truth comes out, some say people do not have a clue of what they are talking, sometimes they make a perfect unpleasing sense.My anger belongs to all the three kinds, luckily it does not last till the end of a minute.I have never made any resolutions to control it either,I make an awesome pig head always.I fight about anything and everything that comes along;people,things,attitude and most of the times for nothing,when an bored!And after the dynamite bursts out there is always so much damage control to do,which is quite a task.And trust me repentance for an emotion like anger gives you a hundred million volt lightning slap too.Zzzzzatttak!!! I do not want to make false promises saying I will not fight any more,I know I am gonna do it again another day soon this week;)but whenever I fight I am sorry at the end and I am more hurt;I have finished many packs of tissue already!
All I pray to God is to bless this soul with more power,courage and most of all patience to handle this total nut and set her battery right!!!
PS1: Sorry,any number won't do.
PS2: Thank you Calvin,for all that you give.
PS3: A bear hug, because they are not always fatal;)
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